Thursday, February 10, 2011


It occurred to me today. That I am wasting my time these days. I even wish they could fly faster. Most of them was probably because I was unable to sleep.

Almost everyday, I sit around and text people in the middle of the night - or should i say, morning. I do this and I wait. I wait with thoughts wondering if whether they're already asleep. I am not really good with loneliness. First, I might get goosebumps. Besides that, I just feel... uncomfortable. I don't like it. The feeling of when I am alone. Be it in a room or anywhere.

I don't like what I am turning myself into. I really don't.

And for some reason, I really feel the urge to want to go to the zoo. Probably because the zoo reminds me so much of my childhood days.


  1. u should go!!

    i went to the zo0 when i was celebrating my 21st birthday...and had sooo mucchhh fun!!

    because bile da besar, the joy is different, u keep reading the info about animal, u can see kids run here and there and make u wonder" did i look like that when i was a kid?" heheh...

  2. ok.

    Tapi tak ada orang nak bawa ke sana. huhu.

    saya masih budak kecik. :)

    Saya ingat saya nak tukar URL.

    Supaya yan bukan pengikut saya dah tak boleh baca. Haha. Amacam?

  3. saya masih tak mahu ikot awak kalau macm tuw:)

    because i read every single line the blog that link to..:)



  4. haha.

    Saya tak suruh pun awak ikut.

    Saya cuma nak tukar.

    Dan hilang. ;)


Seperti yang anda memang sudah tahu, ulasan sangat dialu-alukan dalam blog yang tiadaternama ini. Justeru,saya juga harap sekiranya anda sebagai seorang yang tidak bernama untuk memperkenalkan diri kerana kemungkinan saya tertarik dengan ulasan anda dan ingin mengenali siapa anda, ia akan lebih mudah buat saya.Sekian..